
Data Governance for Rubrik

Protect your Rubrik data from exposure, leakage and misconfiguration. 

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The Challenge

Rubrik is a powerful data security platform. However, organizations face security risks from the platform’s single-factor authentication, which can lead to breaches if credentials are compromised.

Weak authentication mechanisms can lead to account hijacking and unauthorized access


Strengthen Rubrik's security using AI to classify and monitor sensitive data.

Concentric AI detects threats like unauthorized access attempts and data leakage, alerting security teams to take real-time action.

Data exfiltration

Paragraph: Set up audit trails and alerts for suspicious data movement. Concentric AI tracks data exfiltration attempts, ensuring that sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Access control misconfiguration

Identify and remediate misconfigurations in Box’s access controls. Concentric AI keeps sensitive data protected with visibility into who can access information and quickly fill in any security gaps. 

Semantic Intelligence