
Data Governance for Salesforce

Safeguard your Salesforce data from exposure and cyber threats.

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The Challenge

Salesforce offers secure customer relationship management software for businesses. But the risk of malware, misconfigurations in access controls, and insufficient encryption can leave sensitive data exposed.

Weak authentication mechanisms can lead to account hijacking and unauthorized access.


Strengthen Salesforce security using AI to classify and monitor sensitive data.

Concentric AI detects threats like unauthorized access attempts and data leakage, alerting security teams to take real-time action.

Data exfiltration

Set up audit trails and alerts for suspicious data movement. Concentric AI tracks data exfiltration attempts, ensuring that sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Access control misconfigurations

Identify and remediate misconfigurations in Salesforce’s access controls. Concentric AI keeps sensitive data protected with visibility into who can access information and quickly fill in any security gaps.

Semantic Intelligence