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Customer Stories

Nutanix's Journey to Secure Growth


Cloud Computing



Use Case

Unstructured Data Security in Multi-Cloud Environments

The Challenge

Nutanix, a leader in cloud computing and data management, was struggling with the complexities of managing unstructured business data. This data, including contracts, design documents, trading data, and source code, was dispersed across multiple cloud environments and on-premises, with limited visibility and understanding of the exposure risks involved.  

At the core of Nutanix’s struggle was the need for visibility and control over this scattered data. With data spread out in various locations, the company found it increasingly difficult to track where sensitive information resided, who had access to it, and how it was being used. 

The traditional data security methods the company had in place were proving to be inadequate. These methods, largely based on predetermined rules or patterns, were not equipped to handle the dynamic nature and sheer scale of their unstructured data. The company needed a solution that could not only manage that volume of data but also adapt to its ever-changing nature. 

The shortcomings of their existing security measures were becoming a bottleneck in their operations. As they continued to grow, so did the complexity of their data security needs.  

 The Solution

Nutanix found out about Concentric AI and approached them to help with identifying and protecting critical business data. Using deep learning, Concentric AI’s solution enabled the company to develop a semantic-based understanding of documents, analyzing both content and context. This process allows for intelligent categorization of data into thematic categories, surfacing high-risk data without the need for complex rules or policies. 

 After a compelling demonstration, Nutanix implemented Concentric AI in one of their cloud repositories. The system quickly and effectively categorized their data, identifying high-risk sharing and enabling automated actions to rectify issues. 

 Concentric AI’s solution also levelled up automation for Nutanix’s data security practices. The deep learning model continuously learned and adapted to the evolving nature of Nutanix’s data and business operations, laying the foundation for a future-proof data security strategy. 

“It's been a pleasure to work with Concentric AI: to watch the velocity with which they have built the team, grown the product, and established it in the market. They’re solving a real problem. I believe this problem of data security is going to apply to every enterprise on the planet, and Concentric AI can help solve that.”

VP, Cybersecurity at Nutanix



With Concentric AI, Nutanix achieved transformative improvements in their data security management: 

 Operational efficiency: By categorizing unstructured data intelligently and autonomously, bypassing the need for manual regex patterns, the company saved several thousand man hours annually. Concentric AI significantly reduced the burden on Nutanix’s security staff, eliminating the need for rule writing and managing false positives. 

 Risk identification and mitigation: The solution effectively identified high-risk data like inappropriately shared documents and took automated actions to reduce risks associated with any business-critical content. The improved data security posture minimized the company’s chances of experiencing a data breach.  

 Scalability: Concentric AI’s ability to handle large volumes of documents made it a suitable solution for Nutanix’s extensive data environment, allowing them to effectively manage and secure 30% more document volume without additional resource allocation. 

 Investor confidence: The success and potential of Concentric AI in addressing Nutanix’s data security challenges provided a boost in investor confidence, bolstering the company’s role in the global data security landscape. 

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