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Reseller Partner Program

Concentric AI is committed to building and supporting its partner network with a channel-first strategy. Through our reseller program we ensure that your team and customers are enabled with the best-in-class support and the leading Data Security Posture Management platform.

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Partner Program


Concentric AI is the leading Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) product to ensure your customers’ structured and unstructured data is protected. 

Challenges your customers are experiencing:


Limited to no visibility where their sensitive data lives and the risk associated to it.


Legacy data security technology is flawed and inefficient.


Complex, endless rule writing and regex that take admin yet still result in inaccurate classification.

Benefits Overview

Channel-first GTM strategy​

Channel-first GTM strategy

Channel-first GTM strategy​

Recurring revenue/SaaS product

Easy to work with to meet customers’ unique needs

Easy to work with to meet customers’ unique needs

Registration protection

Registration protection

POC deployment in minutes

POC deployment in minutes

Fastest time to value for your customers in industry

Fastest time to value for your customers in industry


Concentric organizes data into thematic categories for analysis and display using powerful deep learning technologies for language analysis. Our process eliminates hard-to-maintain rules and pattern matching.

Concentric’s natural language processing (NLP) capabilities far exceed the pattern or keyword-based techniques of competing approaches. Our NLP can, for example, interpret the meaning of the same word used in different contexts or interpret the meaning of an entire sentence or paragraph.

Concentric’s solution connects to unstructured data storage, structured databases, messaging and email applications, whether it’s cloud or on-premises. This means the solution can discover, categorize and monitor data wherever you’ve stored it.
Risk Distance™ analysis autonomously identifies and remediates inappropriate sharing – including link sharing, sharing with internal or third parties and sharing with personal email addresses. Semantic Intelligence reduces risk and protects data without upfront policies and doesn’t require large teams to operationalize.

Libero nibh at ultrices torquent litora dictum porta info [email protected]

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